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Electro Magnetic Crack Detectors Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters


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MAYURESH ENGINEERS & FAB'S working for a safer world by manufacturing & installing MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING MACHINE in large scale and small scale industries with good quality and reasonable price as per their requirement i.e. Fully automatic or Semi automatic machines. In Forging, Automobile, Aeronautical parts industry this machine is useful to detect cracks which are expanded during process & use which create break - down or accident also. In the year 1920 William E Hoke leg to the discovery of the principle of longitudinal magnetisation for detection of transverse cracks. In the year of 1934 working on the same lines A. V. Deforest was discovered the method of circular magnetisation by passing high current through the job for detection of longitudinal cracks. In Forging, Automobile, Aeronautical parts industry this machine is useful to detect cracks which are expanded during process & use which create break - down or accident also. In the year 1920 William E Hoke leg to the discovery of the principle of longitudinal magnetisation for detection of transverse cracks. In the year of 1934 working on the same lines A. V. Deforest was discovered the method of circular magnetisation by passing high current through the job for detection of longitudinal cracks.
Manufacturer, Supplier Of Magnetic Crack Detectors, Portable Type Crack Detectors, Mobile Type Crack Detectors, Coil Type Crack Detectors, Yoke Type Crack Detectors, Bar Testing Machines, Inline Crack Detection System, Demagnetisers, Table Mount Type Demagnetisers, Track And Carriage Type Demagnetisers, Universal Type Crack Detectors, NDT Equipments, NDT Equipment Accessories, Non Distructive Testing Equipments, ASTM Test Piece, Quality Monitoring Services, Such As - Circular Magnetisation AC-HWDC, Longitudinal Magnetisation Coil / Yoke, Combined Magnetisation, Quality Of Material, Quality Of Workmanship, Operation And Service Manual, Training etc. Crack Detector For Crank Shaft, Crack Detector For Stub Axle, Crack Detector For Axle Beam, Crack Detector Valves, Crack Detector For Seamless Tubes, Belt Conveyors, Roller Conveyors, Slat Chain Conveyors, Chain Conveyors, Wire Mash Conveyors, Link Belt Conveyors, Magnetic Particle Inspection Equipments, MPI Machines, Crack Detection Automation
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